To familiarize yourself with our tools and improve your knowledge of Emotional regulation and Compassionate Communication inspired by NonViolent Communication, we provide you with personal development videos.
On this page you will find videos presenting our tools, helping you to better manage your emotional difficulties such as stress, fear, anger or phobias. You will also find the 5 steps that constitute the TIPI method developed by Luc NICON. You will be able to understand what Emotional regulation is and begin your personal development. You will be able to watch 3 learning modules on Emotional regulation. We also offer other videos about stress and personal development on our youtube channel.
Testimony – Oratory Art and Public Speaking training at the African Development Bank
Do you struggle to be clear, charismatic and interactive? Do you want to create an authentic, impactful and connected speech with your audience? How do you capture attention? Can you control your stress during a speech? How to succeed in public speaking? How to have the right body language during a speech? How to be more confident? How to master non-verbal communication?
Watch our video testimonial from the African Development Bank team on the Oratory Art and Public Speaking training. Modern Theater & Emotional Regulation offers you a learning path to put your speech at the service of your subject, and create an interactive, benevolent and open speech. Thanks to playful and innovative tools such as acting techniques, business theater or the practice of NVC for example.
Emotional Regulation for emotional difficulties (anxieties, fears, phobias…) : Introductory module
Would you like to get rid of your anxieties, fears and phobias? Do you have emotional difficulties? Through this video, you will discover the testimony of Ayu who had a phobia of water due to two traumatic experiences.
She participated in an international training on NonViolent Communication with Modern Theater & Emotional Regulation and then tested the techniques of our Emotional Regulation training. Today, she is proud to report that she can swim comfortably, feels relaxed in the water, and is happy to feel free in the water.
This training can therefore bring you well-being and help you face your phobias, fears and anxieties. Do you want to get rid of your phobias and fears? Do you want to control your stress? Do you have a habit of having anxiety attacks? Do you have trouble managing your anger? How to deal with shyness when speaking in public?
Communication with and without NonViolent Communication sketch 1
Come see the new Modern Theatre and Emotional Regulation’s video about NonViolent communication! And learn how to be a good communicator with courses offered by Theatre Moderne on In the current situation, companies and executives will have to take important decisions that will affect their employees.
Now more than ever, face these challenges by getting new skills in communication and management is necessary to avoid or resolve conflicts. The decisions that will be taken are difficult that why it’s even more necessary to learn how to communicate them with effectiveness. The video shows how NonViolent Communication is key for a better understanding.
Communication with and without NonViolent Communication sketch 2
Find out more about the fourth sketch in the Modern Theatre & Emotional Regulation series! What is the best way to communicate? Improving work and collaboration quality. Relationships and professional development can both benefit from NonViolent Communication. Dialogues that do not include NonViolent Communication are poor, full of tensions and unspoken statements, and can even turn into fights. NonViolent Communication can help you find peace and happiness at work.
Communication with and without NonViolent Communication sketch 3
Communication with and without NVC, NonViolent Communication – How to communication about improving quality of work and cooperation
Discover the third sketch of Modern Theatre & Emotional Regulation! How to communicate? Improving the quality of work and cooperation. NonViolent Communication for relationships and professional development. Without NonViolent Communication, dialogues are poor, full of tensions and unspoken words and can even become conflicts. Find calm and well-being at work thanks to NonViolent Communication !
Do you know the tool of Compassionate Communication or NonViolent (NVC) developed by Marshall Rosenberg* ?
Connect to your needs and your deepest values and create a constructive dialogue with others thanks to Compassionate Communication inspired by NVC. Compassionate Communication or NonViolent Communication (NVC) was created in 1960 by a university professor and therapist Marshall Rosenberg.
Initially developed in the medical field, Compassionate Communication inspired by Marshall Rosenberg’s NVC was then extended to the corporate, personal development, social and educational fields. Its practice allows a progressive development of self-knowledge and knowledge of the other, as well as the mobilization of the resources that exist in every human being with the objective of well-being and dialogue.
*NVC trainings can only be given by certified trainers.
Would you like to receive personal coaching with Compassionate Communication, inspired by the NVC of Marshall Rosenberg ?
I develop for you a personalized accompaniment inspired by the NonViolent Communication developed by Marshall Rosenberg and whose goal is to support you in your search for your well-being. We respond to your most important needs and also contribute to the well-being of others. Thanks to the Compassionate Communication inspired by NVC tool, I suggest you focus on your current situation rather than on your past so that we can base our coaching on your current way of adapting to a given situation. The experience of the coaching session is an experience that favors a process of discovery, evolution and integration through the use of Compassionate Communication developed by Rosenberg. You learn to know yourself and to mobilize your resources.
Role-playing in the service of Compassionate Communication inspired by NVCR
I use simple role plays, conflict parts in you, healing role plays and empathic listening, all based on Marshall Rosenberg’s NonViolent Communication tool. In addition, my acting skills also allow me to recreate situations similar to your reality in order to resolve blocked situations.
What is NonViolent communication, called NVC ?
NVC or also called Compassionate Communication is an expression that facilitates the communication we need. Either to exchange information or to resolve disputes in a peaceful atmosphere. In addition, Rosenberg’s NonViolent Communication uses language that fosters heartfelt enthusiasm rather than language that contributes to lowering self-esteem. It provides a framework and skill set for addressing human problems.
What are the benefits of a Compassionate or NVC training ?
- Dispel feelings of guilt, shame, fear and depression.
- Transform anger or frustration into a momentum that will lead to coalition and cooperation.
- Find solutions based on safety, mutual respect and consensus.
- To meet the basic needs of the individual, family, school, community and society in ways that enrich life.
What can Compassionate Communication inspired by NVC also contribute to ?
Rosenberg’s NonViolent Communication allows, in addition to the elements mentioned above, to prevent conflicts and resolve them in a peaceful manner. NVC also empowers us to engage in creative dialogue in order to build fully satisfying solutions ourselves.
What is the method of Emotional regulation « TIPI » invented by Luc Nicon ?
It is a revolutionary method against all forms of stress and fears. This health approach validated by Luc Nicon’s research has demonstrated positive and undeniable effects on the regulation of emotions.
« The Emotional regulation tools, TIPI »
Based on Luc Nicon’s work, Emotional Regulation is the body’s natural ability to regulate itself. After identifying our capacity for Emotional Regulation, Luc Nicon conducted a study between 2003 and 2006. This study involved 300 people in emotional distress (experiencing negative emotions such as phobias, anguish, anxiety, stress, inhibitions, depression and irritability) to validate his discovery. Today, more than 3000 professionals worldwide help people to manage and use their emotions to be more effective. And every month, tens of thousands of Emotional Regulation trainings are conducted, validating the results of this study. You can now decide to receive TIPI Emotional Regulation coaching or therapeutic support. Research has proven that Emotional Regulation techniques have therapeutic effects on illness, anxiety, social and professional stress, anger and phobias. In the long run, knowing how to manage your stress and more globally manage your emotions can have a positive impact on your health.
What is Emotional regulation, TIPI ?
Emotional Regulation, TIPI, can be defined as the body awareness that occurs when one pays attention to the body in the present moment when emotionally stimulated. Then one follows the movement of the body deliberately and without judgment until the transformation of the sensations and the release.
« Being mindful » means allowing experiences to unfold with curiosity, openness, and acceptance rather than with attempts to control (Brewer et al. 2018).
Emotional Regulation consists in being present to the experience of the moment we are living, without filter (we accept what comes), without judgment (we don’t look for if it’s good or bad, desirable or not), without expectation (we don’t want something specific to happen) and above all without thinking ! Thanks to our training in Emotional Regulation and our coaching, you can free yourself from your stress, anxiety, fears and angers. It is up to you to act now to manage your emotions.
When to use your Emotional regulation ability ?
Possible areas of intervention of emotion management or stress management with Emotional regulation :
- You have behaviors, feel negative emotions, are maladjusted in certain situations or are reactive.
- Do you feel negative emotions such as fear, stress, anxiety, do you have phobias ? Do you feel anxious in situations that seem relatively harmless ?
- You feel blocked or you lose your means : Speaking at important moments in your personal and professional life, taking exams, tests in school, higher education…
- Do you get carried away easily ? Do you get angry over nothing, even if you regret it soon after ? Are you irritable at the slightest annoyance? Can you get violent ?
- Are you afraid of the dark, of water, of a vacuum, of speed? Are you afraid to drive or take the subway, train, plane, boat, afraid to take the elevator? You panic or suffer from the fear of dying. You are afraid of not being able to control yourself and your emotions. Finally, you are often taken by anxiety in situations that seem to be harmless.
- Do you suffer from claustrophobia, agoraphobia? You are afraid of certain animals and other insects (dogs, mice, snakes, spiders,…). You are afraid of being contaminated, especially in the current context.
- Do you get stressed during sports or artistic competitions ?
If you no longer have the desire to live, if you have no energy, no plans and nothing can satisfy you.
Contact me for a session of Emotional regulation or a training in emotional management to regain well-being.
Emotional Management Training and Emotional regulation coaching allows you to live and act consciously rather than react
Possible areas of intervention of emotion management or stress management with Emotional regulation :
- You have behaviors, feel negative emotions, are maladjusted in certain situations or are reactive.
- Do you feel negative emotions such as fear, stress, anxiety, do you have phobias ? Do you feel anxious in situations that seem relatively harmless ?
- You feel blocked or you lose your means : Speaking at important moments in your personal and professional life, taking exams, tests in school, higher education…
- Do you get carried away easily ? Do you get angry over nothing, even if you regret it soon after ? Are you irritable at the slightest annoyance? Can you get violent ?
- Are you afraid of the dark, of water, of a vacuum, of speed? Are you afraid to drive or take the subway, train, plane, boat, afraid to take the elevator? You panic or suffer from the fear of dying. You are afraid of not being able to control yourself and your emotions. Finally, you are often taken by anxiety in situations that seem to be harmless.
- Do you suffer from claustrophobia, agoraphobia? You are afraid of certain animals and other insects (dogs, mice, snakes, spiders,…). You are afraid of being contaminated, especially in the current context.
- Do you get stressed during sports or artistic competitions ?
If you no longer have the desire to live, if you have no energy, no plans and nothing can satisfy you.
Contact me for a session of Emotional regulation or a training in emotional management to regain well-being.
Theater techniques
Acting techniques are the tools the actor uses to appear real, believable and charismatic as well as to connect with his acting partners.
To do this, he uses both vocal and physical theater techniques. The actor has control of his body and develops his emotional sensitivity. It is a question here of making one’s personal experience or « affective memory » and innate sensations or « reptilian memory » interact in the service of the helping relationship and in real-life situations. Theatrical techniques allow for the development of skills ranging from « know how to be » to « know how to do ». Many people use theater techniques to improve their self-confidence or to learn how to manage stress.
Considered as a real tool for personal development, theatrical techniques prove to be very effective since they: help to lift certain inhibitions, optimize creativity, help to master physical presence, body image, help to manage emotions. Theater techniques focus on NonVerbal Communication, Compassionate Communication and improve listening and communication skills. I use these tools of theater techniques during individual coaching and during trainings in clowning and Compassionate Communication for personal development.
Clown techniques
Clown therapy and clown art. Is it any good ?
Clowning techniques are mainly used for Emotional regulation to overcome anxiety, shyness and anguish or simply to develop creativity and self-confidence, to connect with the joy of living. Using certain clowning techniques, the apprentice clown will play with his shadows and lights. Using certain clowning techniques, the apprentice clown will play with his or her shadows and lights. He or she will reach his or her limits and surpass them by playing with them and receiving applause and encouragement from the other spectators who attend the clowning class.
During our clown and Compassionate communication training courses, the clown plays with his difficulties and limits for the pleasure of others. The fact that the clown accepts to understand his defects and qualities and then welcomes them through the clowning techniques, the public is touched and can therefore appreciate himself and give himself the right to accept himself as he really is. The 4 challenges that structure our clown trainings and workshops :
- To face the limits of one’s body, the limits of one’s personality, of one’s beliefs, to overcome them and thus transform them.
- Enjoy playing like a child.
- Dare to express all emotions, dare to be authentic and as it is.
- Communicate in a Compassionate and NonViolent manner.
How do our clown courses work ?
During a clown and Compassionate Communication workshop, the participant puts on a red nose and allows himself to be who he is, because that is what is asked of him when he puts on his clown character.
Getting on stage, being in front of yourself, with others, facing difficulties, improvising as a poet, a king, a chair or even inventing a story from scratch, all of which will make your experience unique during our clown workshop.
Together with his or her acolytes, the participant(s) will travel into an imaginary world based on their own experience, and will create a fantastic, funny, frightening or poetic tale and invite the audience to join them. The clowning techniques will then teach you to better manage your stress and your emotions as well as to communicate in a Compassionate and NonViolent way.
Emotional Management Training and Emotional Regulation coaching allows you to live and act consciously rather than react
e often act on automatic pilot, events around us, thoughts, feelings and sensations (of which we may be only vaguely aware), can trigger old habits. These habits make us act without really deciding to.
By becoming more aware of our feelings and body sensations, we give ourselves the ability to manage and use our emotions to be more effective.
We don’t have to let ourselves be dragged back into the same mechanisms that caused problems in the past. In fact, it is possible, in the long run, to fully master the management of stress, anger or emotions.
Our trainings in Emotional regulation and Compassionate Communication or NonViolent Communication can help you live serenely and manage your emotions. Both during the moments that precede, and during the difficult situations of your daily life. A preparation which allows you to apprehend them with more confidence, to live them in a more relaxed way thanks to techniques to use during the disturbing situation. You will feel liberated and stronger from now on.
The current corporate world has evolved along the lines of vertical hierarchies, which are less and less efficient and adapted to the needs of today’s employees.
Retaining, federating and engaging employees around a common project, as naturally as possible, is the real challenge for companies in the 21st century.
A collaborative management system is emerging, which advocates an open dialogue where everyone must be able to be welcomed in their fundamental values, to become themselves.
The ethics of modern theater can be summarized in 6 words :
- Confidentiality
- Confidence
- Comedy
- Co-construction
- Co-responsibility
- Co-training
An innovative and operational coaching based on human values. Inspired by the intentions of NonViolent Communication, its objective is to resolve managerial problems.

Istvan Van Heuverzwyn
Istvan Van Heuverzwyn, certified trainer and mentor in ICPF-PSI communication, certified trainer in Emotional Regulation « TIPI » and is in the NVC certification path since 2013. He has also followed the complete course of individual coaching with NonViolent Communication.