Qu’est ce que la Communication Nonviolente (CNV) ?

La Communication Nonviolente (CNV) ou Bienveillante, élaborée par Marshall Rosenberg, est un art de vivre, un processus de communication qui favorise entre autres l’écoute mutuelle afin de prévenir les conflits ou de les résoudre d’une manière pacifique malgré leur complexité.

Pour plus d’infos sur le stage clown cliquez ici.

Comment aborder la Communication Nonviolente avec nos formations CNV ?

Pour aborder la Communication Nonviolente* (CNV), nous vous proposons 4 formules de formations CNV :

1. Trois modules fondamentaux d’apprentissage de la CNV.
2. Une formation pour les managers : Communication Nonviolente et Intelligence émotionnelle.
3. Une formation plus osée, ludique et théâtrale : La Communication bienveillante et le clown.
4. La gratitude, appréciations et pensées positives.

* La CNV est uniquement animée par un formateur(trice) certifié(e).


  • Une pédagogie ludique et interactive.
  • Des jeux de rôles, mises en situations et simulations proches de la réalité.
  • L’utilisation des techniques d’acteur.
  • Des intervenants certifiés, performants, efficaces et dotés d’un véritable sens de l’humour.
  • Nous mettons à votre disposition une formation sur mesure qui prend en compte les particularités de chacun.


  • Une méthode pédagogique interactive et ludique : alternance entre les jeux de rôle, les exercices, les évaluations et la théorie
  • Jeux de rôles : Les situations professionnelles, proches de la réalité sont jouées avec le comédien comme partenaire de jeu.
  • Une approche personnalisée : les objectifs et problématiques professionnels de chacun sont pris en considération.
  • Utilisation des techniques d’acteur pour perfectionner sa communication verbale et non-verbale.
  • Une analyse à partir des vidéos tournées pendant la formation pour comprendre les mécanismes de blocage.
  • Le processus de la Communication Nonviolente (Marshall Rosenberg) ou Communication Bienveillante pour un dialogue constructif.
  • Innovation : le clown de théâtre comme outil d’interaction et d’expression des émotions.
  • Les coachs et formateurs sont des experts certifiés dans leur domaine, dotés d’un véritable sens de l’humour.


En présentiel sur demande, nous contacter

Module 1 : La base d’une communication constructive – La relation à soi

“Les hommes le plus souvent se querellent pour des mots.” Anatole France

Souhaitez-vous découvrir le processus de la Communication Nonviolente (CNV) au service de la relation professionnelle et personnelle ?

Au terme de la formation le participant sera capable de : š

  • Développer un lien de qualité avec sa personne et autrui.š
  • Développer ses capacités d’écoute empathique.š
  • Savoir faire des observations neutres pour s’ouvrir vers une communication sans jugement. š
  • Savoir exprimer ses sentiments et ses besoins de manière responsable. š
  • Identifier et d’apprendre à surmonter les obstacles qui mènent au conflit ou au stress. š
  • Gérer les émotions difficiles et prendre conscience des indications corporelles.
  • Présentation du processus et des différenciations clés
  • Clarifier puis exprimer ce qui se passe en nous
  • Les quatre manières de recevoir un message
  • Exprimer une gratitude

21 heures décomposées en 3 journées de formation


Module 2 : La relation à l’autre – L’ouverture au dialogue

“La règle d’or de la conduite est la tolérance mutuelle.” Gandhi

Souhaitez-vous développer de nouvelles compétences relationnelles grâce à la Communication Nonviolente (CNV) ?

Au terme de la formation le participant sera capable de: š

  • Apprendre à affronter sans violence les incompréhensions et désaccords. š
  • Utiliser le dialogue fondé sur l’écoute empathique et de savoir questionner. š
  • Discerner ses besoins profonds et savoir les nommer pour les mettre au service de la relation. š
  • Acquérir la capacité de s’exprimer de manière authentique et de recevoir avec empathie ce que vit l’autre.
  • L’Auto-empathie
  • L’écoute empathique de ce qui se passe chez l’autre
  • Établir un lien avec l’autre en formulant une demande
  • La danse du dialogue ou la danse girafe
  • Les différentes manières d’écouter et leurs rôles

“ Lorsque je donne aux autres l’empathie dont ils ont besoin, il n’est pas difficile de me faire entendre. ”  Marshall Rosenberg

Avoir passé le « module 1 »

21 heures décomposées en 3 journées de formation


Module 3 : La pratique du dialogue et ses défis

 » Il ne sert à rien d’éprouver de beaux sentiments si l’on ne parvient pas à les communiquer . ” Stefan Zweig

Souhaitez-vous sortir d’une communication “habituelle” et arriver à vous exprimer avec clarté, respect et plus efficacement grâce à des techniques et outils inspirés de la Communication Nonviolente (CNV)?

Vous souhaitez créer un véritable dialogue dans l’esprit d’une coopération “gagnant-gagnant” ?

Au terme de la formation le participant sera capable de : š

  • Pratiquer les outils de la CNV dans les relations professionnelles au quotidien. š
  • Apprendre à partir de ses erreurs et de ses blocages. š
  • Recevoir un non avec empathie et exprimer un “non” comme occasion de recherche de solution constructive. š
  • S’exercer à dire et entendre non partant des situations vécues. š
  • Le pouvoir de la célébration en fonction des cas apportés par les participants (module1). š
  • Pratiquer les outils de la CNV dans le cadre professionnel et personnel au quotidien.
  • Pratiquer l’auto-empathie
  • L’expression et l’empathie dans la danse du dialogue
  • Apprendre à partir de nos blocages
  • Entendre et recevoir un Non

Avoir passé le « module 1 & 2 »

21 heures décomposées en 3 journées de formation


Do you feel trapped by your emotions ? Is stress ruining your life? Would you like to improve your well-being and your quality of life at work ? Ready to follow a personal development coaching for your well-being with Marshall Rosenberg’s NVC ? Would you like to try a personal development coaching with emotional regulation and Nonviolent communication ?

We have solutions for you, start by joining our program below! Discover our workshop and training that will help you improve yourself so as to reach your best self.

What is Compassionate-Nonviolent communication (NVC) ?

It’s a way of life more than just a tool. It helps in every area of one’s life. It centers on speaking in a way that inspires compassion and understanding within you and with others. It helps initiate difficult conversation with more benevolence and less harmful emotions.

A workshop of discoveries, exchanges and practices to go to the meeting of oneself and the other from your daily situations with a theoretical contribution. Nonviolent communication or Marshall Rosenberg’s Compassionate Communication will allow you to develop your listening and speaking skills, and even your mediation skills. The Nonviolent communication workshop will allow you to :

  • Transform your conflicts into constructive dialogue
  • Dare to express yourself and know how to listen with kindness
  • Take care of your communication
  • Improve your communication to defuse and calmly approach conflict situations

During these practice workshops, we also invite you to create your own partnership groups in order to

  • Train with others in Nonviolent communication
  • Give and receive empathy and support in daily life
  • Connect with others who share the same needs and intentions

How to approach NonViolent Communication with our Compassionate Communication trainings* ?

To approach NonViolent Communication (NVC), we offer 3 Compassionate Communication training formulas inspired by NVC :

*NVC trainings can only be given by certified trainers.

Three fundamental modules for learning Compassionate Communication inspired by NVC

Training for managers : Compassionate Communication inspired by NVC and Emotional Intelligence

A training inspired by NVC : Gratitude, appreciation and positive thoughts

  • Access to « best practices » sheets and online « tutorial » videos
  • Inter-sessions and personal distance training
  • Exercises to integrate the tools of Nonviolent communication
  • Role plays on everyday or professional situations
  • Assessment : An evaluation of the cours

At the end of the training you will have progressed and will be better able to :

  • Develop a quality connection with yourself and others.
  • Develop empathetic listening skills.
  • Know how to make neutral observations to open up to non-judgmental communication.
  • Know how to express feelings and needs in a responsible manner.
  • Identify and learn to overcome obstacles that lead to conflict or stress.
  • Manage difficult emotions and become aware of body indications.

Thanks to a system of interactive videoconferences and a strong involvement of the participants, the learners interact live with the trainer who sends documents, organizes the working groups and the coaches but also with the other participants often in pairs.

An interactive and fun teaching method with role-playing, the use of acting techniques, the NonViolent Communication process and expert and certified coaches and trainers.

Contact us for more information about subscription and rate fees.



Osez jouer avec votre vulnérabilité – Osez partager avec votre public.

“ En faisant scintiller la lumière et l’ombre de notre clown , nous offrons aux autres la possibilité d’en faire autant. ”

Inspiré de Nelson Mandela

Le clown de théâtre est un personnage qui se construit à partir de sa personnalité, qui éprouve et partage son humanité en empathie en prenant en compte la réaction de l’autre.

Cette formation CNV et clown permet d’agrandir sa propre palette d’outils de communication pour optimiser sa relation avec l’autre. Elle permet d’affiner sa conscience du corps, sa gestuelle et d’exprimer ses émotions de façon singulière.

Comment la Communication Bienveillante inspirée de la Communication Nonviolente permet-elle d’être en accord avec soi-même et avec autrui ?

La dynamique du clown et la Communication Bienveillante inspirée de la Communication Nonviolente (CNV) de Marshall Rosenberg sont des outils de prédilection pour vivre sa vie avec bienveillance vis à vis de soi-même et d’autrui.

À qui est destinée cette formation CNV ? Chaque personne qui aurait envie de créer un dialogue constructif avec soi-même, son “enfant intérieur” et dans une écoute bienveillante avec autrui.

Chaque accompagnement est individualisé et prend en compte le niveau et l’expérience des participants. Il existe une variante de cette formation : Art du rire au service de la qualité de vie au travail.


Module 1 : The basis of a constructive communication – The relationship to oneself

Learn to listen better, hear people better, and respond more effectively to a request.

“The golden rule of conduct is mutual toleration.” – Ghandi

Would you like to discover the process of NonViolent Communication (NVC) at the service of the professional and personal relationship ?


Module 2 : The relationship with the other – Openness to dialogue

Communicating differently for better cooperation.

“When I give others the empathy they need, it’s not hard to make myself heard.” – Marshall Rosenberg

Would you like to develop new relationship skills through NonViolent Communication (NVC) ?


Module 3 : The practice of dialogue and its challenges

Practise concrete examples of NonViolent Communication between companies.

It is useless to feel beautiful feelings if we cannot communicate them.” – Stefan Zweig

Would you like to get away from « usual » communication and express yourself clearly, respectfully and more effectively using techniques and tools inspired by NonViolent Communication (NVC) ?

At the end of the training the participant will be able to :

  • Develop a quality connection with oneself and others
  • Develop empathetic listening skills
  • Know how to make neutral observations to open a judgement-free communication
  • Know how to express their feelings and needs responsibly
  • Identify and learn to overcome barriers that lead to conflict or stress
  • Manage difficult emotions and become aware of bodily indications
  • Presentation of the process and key differentiations
  • Clarify and express what is going on inside us
  • The four ways to receive a message
  • Expressing gratitude

21 hours divided into 3 days of training.

Dates : Contact us for more informations

At the end of the training the participant will be able to :

  • Learn to confront misunderstandings and disagreements without aggression.
  • Use dialogue based on empathic listening and know how to pose a question.
  • Discern one’s most profound needs and know how to label them in order to service the relationship.
  • Acquire the ability to express oneself genuinely and empathise with others.
  • Self-empathy
  • Empathetic listening to what is going on in the other person
  • Make a connection with the other person by making a request
  • The dialogue dance or the giraffe dance
  • The different ways of listening and their roles
To have passed the « module 1 ».

21 hours divided into 3 days of training.

Dates : Contact us for more informations

At the end of the training the participant will be able to :

  • Use the tools from NVC in everyday professional relationships.
  • Learn from errors and blockages
  • Receive a “no” with empathy and express a “no” as an opportunity to search for a constructive solution.
  • The power of celebration based on the cases brought by the participants (module 1).
  • Practice the tools of NVC in daily professional and personal settings.
  • Practice self-empathy
  • Expression and empathy in the dance of dialogue
  • Learning from our blocks
  • Hear and receive a « No »

To have passed the « module 2 ».

21 hours divided into 3 days of training.

Dates : Contact us for more informations

Want to deepen your NVC learning in a welcoming and caring group?

In order to offer you a solution adapted to your needs, we are launching a Nonviolent Communication practice group on Thursdays, every two weeks from September, online, limited to 8 people. (Registration in advance at the beginning of the month)

The practice and the personalized accompaniment, allow a better learning, better listening and leaves a place for the experience of each. Thanks to the fact of being at home, in complete peace and security, it is easier to leave one’s comfort zone and live rewarding experiences, with the help of a learning specialty in full awareness of one’s communication in a spirit of playful sharing and online games.

Date: from October 10th 2021 – 2 Sundays a month at 8.30 pm


Osez jouer avec votre vulnérabilité, osez partager avec votre public grâce à nos outils de Communication Nonviolente.
  • Etre davantage en lien avec ses partenaires, son public et mieux interagir. š
  • Intégrer la communication bienveillante et la forme clownesque dans sa pratique. š
  • Savoir exprimer et prendre conscience du langage non verbal et non violent de l’autre. š
  • Etre connecté au présent et oser exprimer sa vulnérabilité.
  • S’exprimer à travers son corps, et vivre le mouvement intérieur. š
  • Laisser vivre ses émotions et retrouver sa spontanéité. š
  • Développer des techniques d’improvisation et sa créativité. š
  • Savoir exprimer et utiliser les signes du langage non- verbal au service du dialogue. š
  • Découvrir ou se découvrir une compétence inconnue ou cachée. š
  • Transformer ses jugements et sa personne pour être en lien avec ses besoins profonds et faire des demandes d’actions pour y répondre. š
  • Prendre du plaisir à être “avec”

21 heures décomposées en 3 journées de formation


I offer you a learning path to discover the best of yourself

The objective of the online course is to create a dialogue where everyone feels taken into account. That is to say, the online communication course is about the basics to improve your communication and make a choice other than your current one.

We will study the keys of success for a dialogue with others.

8 master classes of approximately 120 minutes include time to answer participants’ questions.

Practice classes are organized between trainees and coaching of 45 minutes are proposed to better assimilate the content of the training.

These classes are based on an alternation of theoretical contributions, personalized exercises, practical and concrete cases specific to the company.

  • A progress sheet including a self-assessment at the beginning
  • The creation of your video presentation
  • 8 interactive videoconferences (virtual class) lasting approximately 120 minutes per theme, followed by evaluation questionnaires to measure the level of theoretical knowledge
  • 8 self-assessments of 30 minutes of learning and progress points
  • Access to « best practices » sheets and online « tutorial » videos
  • Coaching sessions of approximately 45 minutes: coaching of tools or professional situations
  • Access to a support group on Linkedin
  • Inter-sessions and personal training at a distance: personal work between the 4 video conferences with the help of your partner to prepare and improve your speeches in class
  • Assessment: An evaluation of the training course and the trainer

Formulas: grouped over 4 days, without or with coaching, or spaced over 1 to 3 weeks


At the end of the training you will have progressed and will be better able to :

  • Develop a quality connection with yourself and others.
  • Develop empathetic listening skills.
  • Know how to make neutral observations to open up to non-judgmental communication.
  • Know how to express feelings and needs in a responsible manner.
  • Identify and learn to overcome obstacles that lead to conflict or stress.
  • Manage difficult emotions and become aware of body indications.

Thanks to a system of interactive videoconferences and a strong involvement of the participants, the learners interact live with the trainer who sends documents, organizes the working groups and the coaches but also with the other participants often in pairs.

An interactive and fun teaching method with role-playing, the use of acting techniques, the NonViolent Communication process and expert and certified coaches and trainers.

Contact us for more information about subscription and rate fees.



Istvan Van Heuverzwyn, certified trainer and mentor in ICPF-PSI communication, certified trainer in Emotional Regulation « TIPI » and is in the NVC certification path since 2013. He has also followed the complete course of individual coaching with NonViolent Communication.


How to establish a dialogue with your employees, in a spirit of listening and respect ? How to express a request to your employees with serenity ? How can we generate interest and commitment in a dialogue ?

The emotional intelligence solicited in the process of NonViolent Communication, allows the development of another part of the brain that favors learning from the heart through emotions and adapted action. Compassionate communication is based on Marshall Rosenberg’s NonViolent Communication. Emotions do not stop at the company’s door; if the manager does not open the door to dialogue, he or she may quickly find himself or herself in unmanageable deadlock situations. In order to avoid this kind of unpleasantness, Marshall Rosenberg’s NonViolent Communication can prove to be an effective tool both in the short and the long term. The challenge is then to know how to open up to the emotions of one’s teams in a search for equity and balance and to change the paradigm by focusing on :

“power with” instead of “power over”

« Co-responsibility » instead of « denial of responsibility »

Compassionate Communication is meant to be adapted to professional situations and to business management. Role-playing will address the participant’s daily routines in order to find concrete solutions or identify the path that will reach the desired destination.


A training inspired by NonViolent Communication for managers


Choose : Use 99% of our energy to be unhappy and crticise ourselves, or use 99% of our energy to be happy. Inspired by Guy Courneau

Would you like to value yourself more ?

Do you want to have more drive in life, more moments of sharing and cooperation ?

Would you like to live more amicably and develop more trust between relations ?

This training, inspired by NonViolent Communication, is for all people who aspire to experience more joy, lightness, self-esteem and connection with their professional and personal environment.

  • Develop a quality relationship with oneself and others
  • Identify and learn to overcome barriers that lead to conflict and stress
  • Use dialogue based on empathic listening
  • Practice the tools of NonViolent Communication for conflict prevention and positive conflict management
  • Ice-breaker and fun games to create team cohesion and to learn together about Compassionate Communication.
  • Identify communication barriers to better overcome them in a professional relationship.
  • Present the 4-step approach of the NVC process and appropriate it through daily professional situations.
  • Talking about oneself: The « responsible » formulation.
  • Learn to make « win-win » requests.
  • How to express gratitude, thanks and appreciation in professional relationships? š
  • Practice managing emotional reactions on a daily basis and use them in the service of the relationship.

21 hours divided into 3 days of training.

Dates : Contact us for more informations

NonViolent Communication is not only about solving conflicts; it’s also about celebrating life and giving it a boost through the pleasure of gratitude. In the workplace, the practise of gratitude and appreciation reinforces bonds, the cohesiveness of the team, and prevents “burn-out or blues.”

Finding beauty in everything, day-in and day-out, makes it possible to live professional and personal relationships differently.

What if we celebrate the bad experiences that made us grow and allowed us to transform ourselves ?

  • Formulate appreciation, gratitude for the other in a simple and sincere way.
  • Give yourself recognition thus, nourishing self-esteem and autonomy.
  • Receive the appreciations of others.
  • Distinguish sincere gratitude from compliments, need for appreciation from seeking approval.

Have passed the « module 1 ».

21 hours divided into 3 days of training.

Dates : Contact us for more informations


  • An interactive and fun teaching method: alternating role-playing, exercises, evaluations and theory.
  • Role-playing: Professional situations, close to reality are played with an actor as a game partner throughout the training.
  • A personalized approach: the objectives and professional issues of each are taken into consideration during our training.
  • The NonViolent Communication process (Marshall Rosenberg) or Compassionate Communication for constructive dialogue.
  • Coaches and trainers are certified experts in their field with a true sense of humour.
  • Use of actor techniques to improve Verbal and NonVerbal Communication.
  • An analysis from the videos shot during the training to understand the blocking mechanisms.
  • Innovation : The theatre clown as a tool for interaction and expression of emotions.